Thursday, October 28, 2010


Emerald Isle has a mini-triathlon every October
It starts with a swim in the ocean,
followed by a bike ride,
then a run.

My friend Alissa kicked it's ass last weekend!
(well, a week and a half ago's weekend)
Here she is coming on on the bike (she's the one in red):

Mom took me along to watch & cheer
Next year, I'm going to compete.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Seriously?! Just put on some clothes!

The other day, Mom & I went for our morning walk on the beach with Liss & Shirley
it's not cold down here, but it was a little chilly
Mom was wearing capris and a long sleeve shirt.
we saw this girl walking barefoot in short shorts, a tank-top


It's really not cold enough to warrant a winter hat
especially not one with ear flaps
more importantly, if you are that cold, PUT ON SOME CLOTHING.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Aunt B Rocks!

and not just because she buys my love with toys and treats when she comes to visit
(although that certainly helps!)

she's also intelligent and witty,
won't hesitate to correct your grammar
or judge you based on it,
and is full of snarky remarks.

plus, she's bringing back kneesocks

check out her blog
it's awesome, just like her:

Friday, October 1, 2010


Tropical Storm Nicole dropped 3 months worth of rain on us over the past 4 1/2 days,
somewhere between 14 & 19 inches-  
it just rained and rained and rained,
Mom and I got SOAKED on our daily walks. 

It FINALLY stopped raining last night,
so this morning I went out to survey the damage:

Here's a better view of my driveway and front yard:
Luckily, Mom and I don't have to go anywhere today, because I don't think her civic would do very well driving through close to a foot of water!!