Friday, March 30, 2012


Yesterday on the beach I met a little girl named Isa, just like me!  Her full name is Isabella (she's Italian, so they pronounce it ee-sabella), and they call her Isa for short.  Her grandmother took a picture of us together.  Then told her that she's going to the dogs. 
I don't think that's such a bad place to be. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Start of Wedding Season

Wedding Season has officially started for my Mom & Dad!   This weekend, they left me to play with my friends Aly & Shep at Tara & Adam's house while they flew to north Jersey to go to Jackie & Steve's wedding.  

I'm pretty jealous I didn't get to go.  Mom and Dad said the reception was very elegant and everything was amazing.  Gloved waiters greeted guests at the door with trays of cocktails.  (of course I would be more excited if it was some sort of meat treat, but apparently there was plenty of that inside at the cocktail hour).   There was also lots of dancing with a GREAT band - the night started with dancing, then a break for the first course, then more dancing, then a break for the salad, then more dancing, then a break for dinner, then even MORE dancing and delicious cake and an entire room filled with desserts.  But the best part?  The PHOTO BOOTH: 

(these are Mom & Dad's wedding buddies this year - Shawn & Ryan.)


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Back on Track

So it's been over a YEAR since I last blogged.  I know, I know... but 2011 was a rough year.  It started off with Dad leaving for Afghanistan.  I was really sad as I helped him pack:
We packed up the entire house & put it in storage.  Then Mom and I headed to my grandparent's house in Connecticut.  And I had to learn to share and get along with Bradley and Riggins.  Mom left me there a lot and traveled - to Boston, to Philadelphia, to NYC, California to see Aunt Angie, New Orleans, and Italy to meet up with my Dad.  I was treated like the Red Headed Step-Child.  So much going on, I just didn't have the energy for blogging.

In June, Aunt Ginny came home and brought me a new friend, BOONDOCK.   i had a lot of fun letting him chase me around the yard, but it was a little crazy with 4 dogs in one house. 

But in August, everybody left - Aunt Ginny went back to New Mexico, Aunt Angie to California, and Gramma Jo & J took Bradley and Riggins and moved to OREGON.  So Mom & I moved our stuff to Aunt Vicki's house and Grandpa Butch's.  I got to hang out with my bf Neeva all the time, and Grandpa Butch fed me all kinds of stuff all the time.  Mom left me for the weekend a bunch again, to go to Maine, Florida, Oregon and New Mexico.  But the fall went fast and soon we were packing up again to move back to Emerald Isle.  

And then, DAD CAME HOME!!!  I was pretty excited, and a bit confused, when I saw him for the first time in a year:

Now, I get lots of attention from both my parents, I have my own house near the beach where I get to go EVERY day and chase the birds and make new friends... everything is back to as it should be =)  Including me blogging - I promise I will do a much better job of keeping you up to date.  There's so much fun stuff coming up this year, you won't want to miss it!