Monday, August 30, 2010

Biking May be Hazardous to your Health

Mom & Seanna went out to the E.Club Saturday night
they rode their bikes.
I have learned several things from their experience:

(1) The E.Club is in fact a place for Cougars,
and my Mom & Seanna are some of them.

(2) Paddy's Pub is lame.  Seriously.  Don't go there (even if you do love it's Always Sunny and meet new 22 year old friends who also love It's Always Sunny and you all think it's a good idea to go check out the Paddy's Pub in Emerald Isle... it's not.)
This is how crowded it was at 1:30am:

note that there is NOONE else in the place and the band that was allegedly playing has already packed up for the night.

(3) Biking while intoxicated is HARD and probably DANGEROUS.
Luckily, they made it home to me safely, but I hear Seanna kept veering off the bike path and Mom almost fell over several times.
plus, they looked ridiculous riding their bikes in dresses.

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