Saturday, August 7, 2010

i've got THE LYME

Not the kind you put in a coconut,
lyme's DISEASE.
The vet discovered back in April
that i had a trace of LYME.
they gave me doxycycline
and i never had symptoms.
but this past week, i started
it got better, then it got
Mom got me more doxycycline
and some PAIN meds.
when we got back from the vet,
i just laid on the floor,
exactly where Mom set me down
after she carried me upstairs.
Aunt Ginny made me sock puppets
to play with while I'm not well:

and everyone is babying me -
feeding me TREATS,
letting me eat on the couch,
carrying me down the stairs,
(even though once outside,
i felt well enough to run away
and go next door to harass the
neighbor dogs in their pen).
i might need to milk this a few more days...

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