Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It sure still feels like summer this week... hard to think after tomorrow it will be fall!  Today's memory is all the fun stuff we did outside this summer!

Summer Activities

Back in July, Mom, Dad and I went hiking
and camped overnight
on the Neusiok Trail.
It was fun!
Well, minus the chiggers
and the ticks
and the oppressive heat.

I think we'll plan fall or spring trips from now on.

Dad did a lot of SURFING this summer.
i LOVE to go and watch with Mom
Ginny & Sean surfed too when they were here.  
Another of my FAVORITE summer activities was

Here's me & my friend Puka, out on the BROOK SEA with Vicki & Collin. 
Neeva isn't a very good swimmer, she had to wear a life jacket:
I wish we could get a boat!

Mom & Dad also did some kayaking this summer, but I wasn't allowed to go. 

So long fun summer outdoor activities!

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