Thursday, September 16, 2010

7 Days of Summer

Today's favorite summer memory is of my trip to Connecticut in June.

Mom & I went "home" to Canaan for 5 days.
We were there to celebrate Grandpa Butch's birthday!
We went to Dennis Hill for a picnic - I got to run around and be the center of attention, as I so clearly am in this photo ;~)  Sean was there too, but he took the pictures!

We also had lots of great visit time with Mom's Margaritas!
and I got to play with Mr. Finn =)

I also experienced my first freshwater swimming at Umpachene Falls with Vicki & Neeva
Although I don't have any pictures, I spent lots of time with Grandpa Jay.  And, we had family 
dinner with all Mom's sisters =)  It was a lovely visit to kick off the official start of summer!

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