Wednesday, September 15, 2010

8 Days of Summer

My favorite summer memory for the 8th to last day of the season is:

Sunrise & Sunset

Mom & I saw a lot of GREAT sunrises on the beach this summer.
Sunrise is my favorite, because there usually aren't too many other people up yet so I get to run around without a leash, chasing fish and birds like the crazy Huntress I am.

We also saw some great sunsets on the bay.
Fourth of July, we sat on the dock in Aunt Becky's neighborhood

We also went to the Emerald Wood's Park dock 
with Grandma Jo, Aunt Cara, and Ginny & Sean

and again with Vicki, Brianna, Collin, Puka & Neeva

I know the sun will continue to rise and set throughout the fall and winter, but as the temperatures cool and the days shorten, I'm sure I'll be watching them less... so farewell summer sunrise & sunset!

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